Monday, September 26, 2011


Our intercosmos server on planet B-612 makes it possible for me to communicate with others who are learning new things on earth. Since I began my computer adventures several years ago, after the Little Prince had returned from visiting earth, I am adapting to my new situation. Of course, a rose knows that adaptation is key to survival. I think the Little Prince could have adapted easily to life on earth. I'm so grateful he came back to take care of me.

So what I did was log into the SBISD Google account in order to view and comment on the blogs of teachers at Valley Oaks. I looked at many, but just commented on two. Sometimes, I can be a blushing rose among bushes of blooming beauties. I also commented on the Technology Tidbits and Fischbowl blogs. Perhaps later, I will revisit the piq website, which I arrived at through a link on Technology Tidbits. It is pixel drawing, and I do fancy myself an artistic rose. I saw such lovely, bright pinks and purples there.

Finally, I commented on the blog at the Steve Spangler website. It was also exciting to sign up for weekly science experiments to be emailed to me. Perhaps I will invent a scientific treatment to eliminate baobab trees. Won't the Little Prince like that! I hope you will visit Steve Spangler's website and get some great ideas for yourselves.

Now, in order to post a comment on my blog, I've logged out of my SBISD Google account and into the Google account I previously set up for Unfold Gently.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tool #1 - CONTINUED UNFOLDMENT with a Voki

Oh joy! After three years, we have returned to Asteroid B-612. We left the sheep back on earth as that seemed the most reasonable place for him (seeing as he ate flowers and all). In our absence from our home the volcanoes filled with dust and intergalactic debris. They looked in great need of cleaning, and the many baobabs that sprang up looked in great need of pulling. Since the Little Prince could not uproot them when they first sprouted, he has toiled many days to clear them down to their deepest roots. It requires constant diligence as they continue to sprout again and again. While the Little Prince works long hours tending to our asteroid, I have taken to entertaining myself with an image of him to keep me company. The steps at felt fairly straight-forward and easy to follow. I found an image of my dear companion quickly. Fortunately, a wise librarian on earth typed the instructions for transporting my Little Prince to the blog site or I would not have know what in the universe a rose should do. Now, whenever I feel a bit lonely or ignored (for you know a rose like myself requires a lot of attention), I can click on the arrow with one of my thorns. Then, I listen to the Little Prince wisely admonishing all to keep their volcanoes clean.