Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tool #4 Moving Up to the Clouds

Oh joy! Technology is getting closer to Asteroid B-612 as it moves up to the clouds. I used my four thorns to type out a little poem in Google Documents and shared it with friends thinking they might find it a useful example of free-verse. Hopfully, they will comment on how to punctuate it or improve it.

Before I attempted to make a document form, I thought there would be a lot of possibilities for various form styles. It would have been nice to make a form to show the sixty-four times the sun rises and sets on our asteroid. Miss K. would have liked to create a form with the names and times for her parent conferences. But I discovered that the form is only for various test or survey questions. I created a survey question for my teacher friends back on earth. As a single bloom, I have only one small head that can manage just a single question at a time. Thank goodness the Little Prince waters me and keeps me in full and beautiful health or I might lose many petals over even that much!

Sadly, I do see a few petals on the ground. Perhaps they fell during my frustration with how to use the documents and forms as I could find no instructions or button that offered an uninformed rose some help.

Miss K. likes the instant feedback from ACTIVote surveys with her flipchart, but she mentioned that she would use the Google Document forms to make a test or ask for feedback from students and parents on issues that allow time for responses to flow in at a slower pace. I am excited to share the results of my survey question with her. Then, maybe she will be more enthusiastic about writing a survey question of her own.


Anonymous said...

There are always petals on the ground, especially this year! Concentrate on the bloom! Great thoughts, thank you!

Rose and Sydnie Kleinhenz said...

Such poetic encouragement. Thank you.