Thursday, June 12, 2008

An Avatar - Thing 3

As the little prince is now watching the sunset, I have found it possible to capture his likeness using my four thorns to manipulate the keys on his computer--a machine he brought from Earth on his return to our planet. It was simple enough to select a picture of a boy with tousled hair, but I had difficulty finding the proper clothing to represent my little prince. I'm so grateful that there was a long scarf among the items. That addition helped capture his essence, and I placed the character in the Sahara from which the little prince has just returned. I've learned that this new image is called an Avatar. (Certainly, a very other-worldly name.) I don't care much for the picture as it lacks the warmth, beauty, and spirit of true Life, although I felt a bit playful in creating it.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I agree that are limitations in the look of the avatar, but you did well.