Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Web Notebooks and Picture Albums -- Thing #7

I am not at all afraid of tigers, but I have a horror of computer programs. I asked the Little Prince if he wouldn't have a look at the screen for me. "A flower is a very complex creature..." he mumbled. A long while later, though, I heard him mutter about how very much time it was taking to set up a Google notebook and a Picasa photo album. He missed looking at many sunsets today because there were not clear or easily accessible, step-by-step instructions for each of the tasks. I think he may have also left the inactive volcano uncleaned, as well. After way too many hours (and I will not even whisper the number for fear that the Little Prince may become even more sad over the sunsets), he created a web album of a fishing trip on earth and set up a Google notebook of humorous sayings. This is not to say that he looked confident and satisfied as if he understood exactly what to do. It is only to say that he was able to accomplish those two things after many trials and errors. As for me (sigh), I am forsaking my glass globe and learning to endure the presence of two or three caterpillars in order to become acquainted with the butterflies. Trials teach us how to triumph.


Grendel said...

Little Prince, you are not alone! Each of us has found individual challenges while playing 23Things. It is the nature of life on our planet that not everything comes equally easy to all of us, but each will find his area of expertise. Besides, if the little prince does nothing but sit around looking at sunsets, he will miss out on something else of value! :)

Rose and Sydnie Kleinhenz said...

Dear grendel,
I am enjoying your comments. Very few people write to a rose these days. You are so right in your warning of caution. The little prince, though, only uproots what he recognizes to be bad seeds after they've grown enough for him to recognize them as such. This is a healthy practice for horticulture as well as human behaviors. (Baobab post) And speaking of human behaviors, I, the rose, have taken up this technology challenge because I think the final results will be quite a thrill and something exciting to share with others. The journey, though, sometimes presents more challenge than a rose with two thorns can handle--I am so rooted in my routines! So, I must sometimes call upon the little prince or others for assistance. I see from your blog, that you have completed 23 Things in a successful way. May I call on you if I begin to wilt?
Thanks, again, for your comments.

Grendel said...

Absolutely! I probably wouldn't have made it if others had not been willing to help me!

Miss Lee said...

You are doing swimmingly, my friend. And your alter-ego is soooo very enjoyable to read, as you have such a way with words. Keep forging ahead. It's all within your grasp, your highness. :)

Rose and Sydnie Kleinhenz said...

Hi, Head Squirrel!!
I really, really enjoyed reading about the Bluebonnet books in the link on your blog (which you probably told students about one of those days I headed out of the library). I showed it to Sharon H., too. We both LOVE the book, The Thing About Georgie. Have you read that one? It's a must-read. I appreciate your comments. How'd you find me? I know how you figured out who I was. (Or did I give you all this information and my technology glutted brain just doesn't remember doing so?)